Friday, November 26, 2010

Okonomiyaki- Hiroshima

Hiroshima area, I'm told, is famous for its okonomiyaki, aka Japanese pancake. I thought I'd throw in some pictures. It was quite a process to make one of these, and the chefs were pretty good. There are lots of these little "stalls" where you just gather around the the hot grill and tell them what you want. Then they create this pancake layer by layer: pancake, cabbage, sprouts, noodles, bacon shrimp, squid, cheese, egg, bbq sauce, mayo, etc., etc., until you get something that looks about like this:
As per usual, I thought it was quite delicious, and had to finish everybody's plate.


  1. We love all your posts! Keep them coming! We are living vicariously through the Baileys! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  2. What's up Bailey crew!! Just catching up on some blog stalking:) So glad you are enjoying Japan and exploring your surroundings. The girls are getting so big (not you Holly)! Tell them to stop. We miss you guys and hope you have a great Christmas, or Buddhismas in Japan.
    Talk to you later-
