Sunday, November 7, 2010

Inexpressible Joy

This blog post finds itself out of order, as I am not currently up to date. But it can not wait. I want to share it with you all, and if it were possible I would tell the whole world. Every so often, you have one of those days... Today was one of those days that has to be added to the Top 10, to sit along side the day I married my beautiful wife, and the birth days of my adorable daughters. Today, I had the privilege and honor of taking one of my beautiful daughters into the water and baptizing her, and thereafter laying my hands on her head to confirm her a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and bestowing the gift of the Holy Ghost upon her. Were I the best writer/poet in the universe, my words would not- nay, could not- adequately describe the feelings that are in my heart. Obviously, I'm nowhere near that writer, but a picture is worth 1,000 words- so here's 7,000 words... Although I think these pictures are worth much more than that...


  1. Gorgeous family and pictures!!! We're so happy to see Erin on her special day of baptism.

  2. I know Lon was super excited to be there for this. What a great memory! Tell Lon and Marilyn Hi from the Birds!

  3. What a special day for your beautiful daughter! Congratulations! I'm Marilyn's friend and I know how much this means for her and Lon!

  4. Congrats on the big day! What a memorable event for your family. Her baptism story will definitely be one to remember!
