Sunday, February 6, 2011

Springtime in Okinawa

Well I guess springtime is here already? Whatever the case, the cherry blossoms are out. So we took a drive to the cherry blossome festival at Nakijin castle ruins and spent some time wandering around. It was a beautiful day. Sunny and close to 70 degrees.

Not sure what this has to do with cherry blossoms, but of course Bri was all over this photo op.

Is it just me, or does Holly look like she's been eating too many Okinawa donuts lately?

JK- she looks B-E-A-U-tiful.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mochi tsuki

Well, it's not as cold as Utah, but the weather here has been a little chilly and wet during January. So we haven't been out doing much. But a week or so ago, we went to a fund raising festival at a local orphanage, where they made mochi. Mochi is made from a special kind of rice. They steam it and then they pound it with big wooden sledge hammers until it forms this really gooey, sticky, chewy substance. Then they shape it into balls and dust it with corn starch or something, and put stuff on it or in it, and eat it. I like it.
Here we are pounding away...
Mochi with peanut butter. Holly can't get enough peanut butter lately...
I'll just add this for kicks. Our farmer neighbor asked me the other day if I liked lettuce. I said sure I like lettuce. He asked if I wanted to try some of his. I said sure I'd like to try some if he had a little extra. A little while later he knocked on the door with 4 ginormous heads of lettuce and about 10 lbs. of potatoes. We've been eating a lot of salad this week.

Winter in Utah

We were lucky to get to spend the holidays in Utah with our families. Holly's Uncle Mike was kind enough to set up a horse riding event through one of his friends. Erin loves horses. It was a dream come true. Thank you so much Uncle Mike and Danny!!!!!

Got to enjoy some of that fine Utah snow. Something we don't get a lot of in Okinawa... Some great Dad-Erin time on the ski lift together.

Look at Bri go! Notice the wave as she passes. LOL.

I put this one on especially for you Tyce. Hope you enjoy it.

Thank you to all of our families and friends that we love and miss!! We are so thankful and blessed that we were able to spend the time with you.

November 2010 w/ the Baileys (the elders)

Well, I finally get around to blogging again. It's been a while. But the Bailey's were here for the month of November, and then we were pretty much gone for the month of December. But I thought I should at least put some highlights from my parent's visit...

Let's start with snakes.

And another snake.

Here they have some cooked fish and some raw fish. Our neighbor Iha-san treated. Bet you can guess which one they didn't finish.

This is Big Dip. We must have hit this place a half dozen or more times.

They hadn't picked up on the chopstick thing yet, so I had to ask for forks. I guess all they had were kiddie ones...

Here, Lon Cousteau is preparing for his snorkeling excursion in the East China Sea.

Exploring beautiful Maeda Flats at low tide.

And, what trip would be complete without a visit to a ginormous 100 ft. tall bird made out of cement?