Monday, May 10, 2010

Peace... or something

So, we were out and about visiting some of the local attractions. In this case, some castle ruins. Well, there was a school group there and they asked us if they could take a picture with the children. I woul dare to say that you will NEVER see a picture of Japanese girls in which they are NOT making the "peace" sign. Erin's catching on too, except she has it a little backwards. So, then of course we asked them to be in our picture too...


  1. Hey guys!!! Looks like you are all adapting well to your new home! The girls look like they are having so much fun...Kaylee will be so jealous that they've gone to the beach! She has asked about Erin and Bri quite a few time since you've moved, she's ready to come visit! No problem...right?! :)
