Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bug Problem Solved

So we had this bug dilemma. How to deal with the big beetle bugs crawling around these parts. We pondered a while and then, one morning, Holly opened the curtains and voila! A solution presented itself. Big beetle problem was solved. So now we don't have to worry about those big beetles anymore...

Just for reference, (of the big reddish beetle, not the other gi-normous thing in the picture), that's the tip of my (not Holly's) finger in the photo.

Now, just what to do about those darned hammerhead worms...


  1. Wow, those are lessons I wouldn't have thought about learning in Japan! I hope more solutions present themselves soon. In the meantime, how are the girls handling it?? :)

  2. That was AWESOME! I'm rollin' over here ... too funny! Way to go big, huge, ginormous, scary spider for takin' care of those pesky beetles! ... and Baileys it looks like you found your next pet! Well, all I can say (Holly) is when you get back, you will be glad you only have to look out for those puny little wolf spiders!
